Have you had a negative fitness experience? Having spent over 20 years in the fitness industry, I have heard it all.
Were you made fun of in gym class? Did you join a gym and either go once or twice, or not at all? Were you the last one picked for the team during lunchtime sports? Did you get injured from trying the “latest, greatest” B.S. weight loss program that was way too advanced for you? Did you buy an infomercial gadget that promised you 6-pack abs with little to no effort? Did you go to the gym with a friend who has worked out religiously for years, have them put you through their workout and as a result you couldn't sit down or lift your arms for a week!?

For almost everyone, the answer is yes to at least one of these scenarios! As a result, most people have thrown in the towel and given up on improving their fitness level. It is not your fault…the fitness industry has let you down! I am here to help you navigate the fitness world and make it a positive experience for you.
I have been a full-time personal trainer and fitness consultant since 2004. My journey began in 1997 with my first work term at New World Fitness in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. After completing my Bachelor of Kinesiology from Acadia University in Nova Scotia, I moved to Alberta and eventually started full time personal training at Club Fit in Edmonton. In 2010, home was calling, and I moved back to St. John’s to work with GoodLife fitness: first at the village mall and then most recently in Mount Pearl.
Throughout my fitness career, I have worked with hundreds of clients to help them achieve many types of goals. Having a kinesiology (the study of human movement) background, I focus not only on aesthetic goals such as weight loss and muscle gain, but also on how to improve clients’ quality of life by decreasing pain and increasing their ability to move properly in everyday life. I am a big believer in training people to use their body correctly before introducing heavy weights and high intensity exercises. This is accomplished through use of suspension training (TRX), corrective body weight exercises, and fascial stretching.
My training takes on a holistic approach and addresses what I call “limiting factors”. These are things in peoples lives that affect their ability to reach their chosen fitness and health goals. Lifting weights and doing cardio is only a small portion of one’s success and unless the other factors in their life are addressed, success is virtually impossible. Limiting factors that I have encountered over the years are not getting adequate sleep, low levels of self esteem and confidence, lack of nutritional knowledge and/or motivation, working too many hours, fear of failure (or success believe it or not), spousal relationship issues, putting everyone first and not being able to say no to people (especially with mothers!) and inadequate stress management techniques. When a client starts with me, a big part of the initial program is finding solutions to these issues.
Throughout the years I have had many fantastic coaches in various sports, and I have acquired some of my training techniques from them. I have competed provincially in hockey, volleyball, cross country running, and badminton. Also, I have played soccer at both the national and varsity levels. Unfortunately, knee injuries squashed my dreams of becoming a professional soccer player. Fortunately, it led me to where I am today.
Having been a team athlete has tremendously influenced my personal training style. I look at the relationship between my clients and I as a team effort. Early in the program I will often say, “It's never me against you, it's me and you together, fighting to reach your goals.” Unfortunately, in the popular media the perception is that the trainer is like a military commander torturing their clients (I absolutely despise the biggest loser TV show!). This style may lead to some results but unfortunately, they are short lived, and the client is never fully educated on how to achieve long term success and develop behaviors that are both effective and sustainable.
If you are ready to make a positive change to your health and fitness levels and don't know where to start, please contact me today to set up a consultation! It may be challenging, but it will be worth it!
Fitness Without Fear
Certified Kinesiologist - Newfoundland and Labrador Kinesiology Association and Canadian Kinesiology Alliance
Personal Trainer Specialist (PTS) - Canadian Association of Fitness Professionals (Canfitpro)
TRX Team R4 Certification - TRX Inc.
Fascial Mobility Training Practitioner - Darby Training Systems and GoodLife Fitness
MyBootcamp Certification - GoodLife Fitness
Bachelor of Kinesiology (Exercise Studies) - Acadia University
Full time Personal Trainer / Kinesiologist and Fitness Consultant since 2004
GoodLife Personal Training Institute (GLPTI) – National Trainer (2017-2018)
Lifelong High Level Athlete and Memorial University Varsity Soccer Player (1994 - 1996)